You are a unique person, created in the image of God, and there is no one on earth like you; 7 billion people on this planet and there is only one you, you are one in a billion. You are so unique that since the beginning of time, there has never been you, and nor will there ever be another you. And your uniqueness comes with many talents, skills, and attributes that you alone possess and can deliver in your unique way, and that’s what makes you unique from any other person on the planet. The content and message of performance are essential, but it is its delivery that has an impact on others.
Only One You
Many may feel they are not unique and that the skill and talent they have, others have it also, but this is far from the truth because though many people share some of the same skills and talent as you, no one person on earth can deliver that talent the way you can. There are many preachers, but there is only one Billy Graham, there are many civil rights leaders. Still, there is only one Martin Luther King Jr there are many singers and musicians, but there is only one Bruce Springsteen, you get the picture, but no matter what talent or skill you have, there will always be many that share that talent. Still, no one on earth can deliver that talent the way you can or do.

You Are Unique
You may not realize it, but you are an impactful individual, and that your uniqueness has and will have an impact on those around you that other people cannot deliver in the way you alone can, I call this the contribution effect. You contribute every day, through your daily interactions, influencing those around you, resulting in response to your contribution, both positive and negative. We all have encountered people who said something that we dd not like, and it triggered a reaction that caused us to think, say, or act a different way, and our response was a result of their contribution. In contrast, we all have encounter people who have given us good advice, congratulated us, or even just given us a pat on the back for a job well done, and we respond to that contribution.
Newton’s Third Law
I’m a science buff, and I enjoy learning about the specifics of why things do what they do. One fascinating theory that intrigued me often is Newton’s 3rd law of motion, which states that “for every action, there is an equal or opposite reaction. And though this is a science term, I see it daily in my life walk; for example, try smiling at someone, your smile will trigger a response, either they will smile back or give you a strange look, either way, you are getting a reaction from your actions. And what about that reckless driver that cut you off on the freeway. The point is that we all contribute, and we all respond to the contribution of others in kind, both positive or negative, to include the things you say and don’t say; Newton’s Law.
Talent Within
There is value in being you because you are one of a kind. God has placed within every one of us talents, and it is our responsibility to use those talents to deliver value to others for their benefit and enjoyment, which will have an impact on their work, home neighborhoods, community, state, country, and the world. However, the sad truth is that many will take their talent to the grave, haven’t been used to its full potential. Our talent is a gift that we open to make a difference in the lives around us.
Some of you may be wondering what talent? Unfortunately, many of us hear the word talent; we begin to think in terms of singing, musician, acting, engineering, etc., and these are talents. However, talent also comes in the form of writing, teaching, listening, encouraging, storytelling, etc. it is the small things that have the most significant impact, a tree was once a seed, but now provides oxygen and food to the world. (See my upcoming article on the talent within, which expands on this principle)
Be Who You Are
Allow me to briefly address those who are not satisfied being who they are, first let me state that it’s a dangerous game being someone else, and no matter how hard you try, you can never become that individual. You may learn from that individual, and you can imitate that individual, but the truth is that you will never become that individual, you will always be you. It was Walt Disney who said, “The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.
There is no substitute for you, and there is no better person on this planet than you. God created you in His image, and when He created you, He truly broke the mode (figuratively speaking). He placed in you a gift, but it’s up to you to open it. I cannot imagine getting a Christmas present and leaving it under the tree all year without opening it. Therefore, with the talent, you have been given, and the expression of your uniqueness, the best person you could ever be, is to be yourself. Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
Tap Into You
You have God-given talent waiting to be explored and tapped into, but you and only you can do the tapping, though there may be those around you that can help you identify the talent, it is only you who can access it, no one can do that for you. You all heard the old cliché you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” So, let’s begin tapping, and open up the well of talent that’s in you.
The concept of being you is derived from your uniqueness and expressed through your character. You cannot deliver any talent or skill outside of who you truly are, and the expression of that talent or skill will always come from your true self, and not that of others, thus the concept of being you.
Article Inspired by Laura Barnett