The Concept of Change

You all heard it said that there are two things we can be sure of in life, and they are death and taxes, well I’m going to add the concept of change. Change is the one element in life that is inexorable and constant, and there is absolutely nothing that you or I can do to stop it, and as long as there is time, there will be change. Changes occur around us every day, some noticeable, while others are so gradual or subtle that we don’t notice them until they become visible through time.

Our bodies, for example, are constantly going through changes. The environment around us is changing, the world and those that live in it are continually going through changes. It is an unstoppable force; change is so powerful, not even death can stop it; after death, the body goes through changes to return itself to the earth, and we change from mortal to immortality, and though changes can be influenced, it is still a force that deserves our respect.

Embracing or Leading Change

Many accept change and move on in life, and some make changes because they have no other options, while others take hold of it and use it to their advantage. My colleague once told me that “Not only embrace change but lead it” ~Steve Gardner. I have given this statement some thought and have accepted it to be true. There is nothing wrong with embracing change, embracing change mean to accept it, which is okay, we should accept changes, especially those that will enhance the lives of others and ourselves, and there are changes that we should not accept, those that devalue our lives and the lives of others. However, we should also lead change, because leading is a state of action; it makes the statement that “I’m going to do something with it.”

Our bodies, for example, are a precious gift from God. However many accept that their body is changing and let nature take its course, this is embracing change. In contrast, others take action to body changes by eating right, exercising, and dieting when necessary, this is leading change. Let’s take a look at the environment and the society around us, it’s ever-evolving and changing at a rapid rate, and if we fail to change with it, we will eventually get left behind in its wake.

Technology and Change

I know many people who refuse to learn the basics of computing, internet, and social communication, some even ward off technology altogether. However, we are bombarded and surrounded by technology every waking moment of our day, even in its smallest form; your car, television, and cell phone, just to name a few. I heard it said that “we have smartphones, smart TVs, but dumb people.” The concept behind this statement is that we are so dependent on our devices that we no longer use our brains to solve even the simplest problems or equations. However, to say we don’t need technology is only hindering our ability to move forward in this ever-evolving society.

Now let me interject here and say that some don’t believe in the use of technology, they would prefer to work with their hands, and this is not a bad thing, and socially acceptable. Still, those that do limit themselves to specific actions, but that’s okay because they are incredibly content and happy with their lifestyle. If this is you, then you no longer have to read on, this paragraph is your final read, 1st because you have found success in contentment, and I admire your faith and courage. However, for those who do, I encourage you to read on.

Organizational Changes

In the world of business, we see changes every day. I can’t imagine if the stock market remained constant or a company does business the same way every year because if an organization doesn’t change to keep up with today’s economic demand and customer base it would eventually put itself out of business. We have seen this in companies like Blockbuster, Kodak, and others. Organizational changes are rarely easy because they always have an impact on the lives of those that are affected by them. Now we could sit around and accept organizational changes and complain about them, or we can take action to lead it and leverage the change to our benefit, and that of the organization.

In an organization, change is critical in keeping a company in business because the economy and the market place are forever changing. If an organization fails to recognize these changes, they would ultimately put itself out of business. A business that fails to consistently evaluate and take action to change will cease to exist because change is critical to the life of an organization.

Culture Organization and Changes

Therefore, an agile strategy that’s embedded within the culture is required to successfully integrate change within the organization, change without a culture to support it is doomed to fail, this is why change needs to be lead from the top-down of the organization. Corporate realignment programs are not sufficient because employees will see it as a system; what’s needed is a strategy to address change within the culture to be successful. It is important to note that change impacts the lives of every employee and their families, and this is why organizational changes need to be incorporated within the culture of the organization

One of the most significant failures of change in an organization is the lack of communicating that change. A memo, public announcement, or a meeting or two is not sufficient to deliver change. Employees will see this as a system and process; what’s needed is a communication method that has an impact on the culture of the organization.

Lead The Change

An organizational change that has a good communication plan that drives to the heart of the culture of the organization will do wonders. Because the employee will develop the understanding not only why the change is essential, but what does it mean to them, and buy into it and take ownership of it.

We could accept the change and do nothing, or lead the change by taking action to make a difference. Changes are going to happen in an organization, in your family, in your life, so let’s take action to lead it and drive it to success. Now, change is not always comfortable; you may have to leave your comfort zone to see the progress of change because life doesn’t get better by chance; it gets better by changing. “Winston Churchill once said that to improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often.

Take Action to Changes

I believe it was Henry Ford who said that “if you do what you always done, you will get what you always got” today has its changes, and tomorrow will have them as well, therefore, let’s take action to the changes and see them as a gift for us to do something with our lives and the lives around us. Change waits for no man, it’s going to happen with or without you, in your life, in your family, in your organization, but you must decide what course of action you will take to the change.

The next time your organization tells you that they are changing or realigning. Don’t scuff about it. Instead, look into taking action to lead the change. Doing so will motivate you to choose the appropriate action(s) to support it and drive success to you and the organization.

Change is the Law of Life

Without change, we would cease to be who we are today; change is so critical to life, that to ignore it would lead to a life of uncertainty. Change is the tool for designing who we are, and what we are to become. It exists for the purpose of designing us in a way that will bring glory to God and delivering value to ourselves and others. John F Kennedy called this the “Law of Life,” he said, “change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” Don’t miss out on the future that change could bring, instead lead it, take hold of it, and use it.

Don’t Build Walls, Build Windmills

Let’s go back to our body example, imagine if your body never changed, you would forever be in the womb, not sure if our mothers would appreciate that. Still, God blessed us with change so we can grow from it, both positive and negative changes are for our purpose, and just as there are changes in seasons and days, it’s going to happen as long as there is time, so why not use it. There is an old Chinese proverb that reads, “When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.” One prevents change, while the latter uses it.

Article Inspired by Steven Gardner