The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

The greatest love story cannot be found on the Hollywood screen, nor can it be found in the latest romantic novel. It is one of the New York Times bestsellers list, and according to Guinness World Records, it is the best-selling book of all time. It’s the Bible. And its message of love is displayed in one simple, yet powerful verse. In which many have heard, even memorized by many, both Christian and non-Christian alike. It’s John 3:16.

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John 3:16; God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life.

This small, but powerful and remarkable verse, clearly is the most significant love story throughout history, the love displayed in this verse turned the tables of time, transcend the heart of men, crossed from eternity, took on mortality, made in the form of man, and made the ultimate sacrifice. It’s the greatest love story ever told.

This verse, by far, is one of the greatest love stories ever told, the whole message of the Bible can be summed up in this one verse. And no one can truly comprehend its power, because it surpasses the mind to understand the depth of it fully. Yet, it is the greatest love story ever told.

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This verse displays a love that is priceless, but freely given to all. it’s so powerful that it brought down kings and kingdoms, yet its humility is expressed in its willingness to forgive.

However, from this Magnificat love story, we are giving five pillars of love that we can learn from on this Valentine Day.

God loves; God is love, He is its author of it and all that flows from Him, flows from His love; everything from the gift of salvation to the answer of the simplest prayer is given to us in love. However, it doesn’t end there. The Bible tells us that He has placed His love in our hearts (Romans 5:5), so you are a vessel of God’s love.

Love gives; In this world of take, God demonstrates His love by giving, He gave His most precious gift; His only son.

Love Believes; The Bible tells us that love believes all things (1Corinthians 13:7). God believed in you enough to sent His son to die for you.

Love is sacrificial; He gave us His only son. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for the atoning of our sins.

Love is everlasting; God’s love endures forever; it’s not based on circumstances; it based on who He is; Love. God loves us so much that there is nothing in heaven or earth can separate us from it (Romans 8:38-39).

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This Valentine’s Day as you take time to express your love to those who are dear to you, take time to tell God how much you love Him as well. In contrast to man, who celebrates love once a year, God celebrates it every day in the gift of His Son.

Hense there is faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).

Happy Valentines Day!