Today is an essential day, not because it’s some special holiday or birthday. Today is important because it is the things you do today that will have an impact on tomorrow. Every task you do today, and every decision you make will ultimately have an effect on your tomorrow. Therefore, don’t take today lightly; your future depends on it.
Today Influences Your Tomorrow
Many of us go about our day, not realizing that it matters and that the things we do today will influence our tomorrow. If we are genuinely are concerned about what happens tomorrow, then we must focus on today. Because it is the actions and decisions we make today that will have an impact on our tomorrow.
Focus on Today

There are so many of us putting our focus on tomorrow, working for tomorrow, and living for tomorrow. The bible tells us that “we don’t know what tomorrow will bring” (James 4:13). I like this verse because it expresses why today matters and that we must focus on today, rather than tomorrow. God created today for you (Psalms 118:24). Therefore live for today and rejoice in it because it is God’s creation for you.
However, today’s technology and culture make it a challenge to put our focus on today; the pressures of work, home, and relationships can shift our priorities like a feather in the wind. We are confronted daily with distractions, and they turn are focus and priorities of our day without us realizing it. Still, we must make a conscious decision to remain focused, and take action to control the day, rather than having the day control us.
Become Today What You Want to be Tomorrow
It was Mahatma Gandhi who said, “We should live as if there is no tomorrow, but learn as if we are going to live forever.” I’ve come to realize that what I want to be tomorrow, I’ve got to be today. I must take action today if I’m going to have an impact on my tomorrow. If I’m going to be the person today, that I want to be tomorrow, I must create expectations that will drive behaviors of achievement and success. I cannot be content with the status quo, nor can I accept it as a standard of living. Instead, it is a journey I must take to get to where I should be.
No Easy Road to Success

There is no easy road to success, and those who are searching for the easy path will quickly become disappointed. Zig Ziglar once said that “there’s no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs.” I like this statement because it expresses that being a success is going to take work. The path to success is going to take work day by day. There isn’t some instant process to get there. It’s going to take the work you do today to achieve success for tomorrow.
Every Day is Special
Every day is unique, and though we identify certain days of the year to be notably more unique than others, like birthdays and anniversaries. However, the reality is that each day is special within itself and should be perceived accordingly. See next week’s article on “There is no such thing as a bad day” that expands on this principle.
Everyone reading this article had a yesterday, and it is the only day, month, and year of that day you will ever have to experience because that day is unique. Master Oogway from Kung Fu Panda said it best; “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called present.”
Don’t Worry About Tomorrow
The Bible tells us not to worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries, today’s troubles are enough for today (Matthew 6:34 NLT). Yesterday has passed, and tomorrow is yet to be seen, so focus on your today, because it’s yours for the making. Therefore, make it your best. Because worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s trouble, but it will rob you of today’s peace.

The road to success begins with the work we do today, and it is measured by our daily agenda. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it is achieved through hard work and with an attitude that drives behaviors of achievement. And it’s not some onetime event, but a journey we take day by day. Therefore let’s light our tomorrow with the fires of today by taking actions to become the person today that we should be tomorrow and drive tomorrow’s success today.