How is your day? What if I told you that there is no such thing as a bad day and that you can make today and every day a great day.
Judging Your Day
We tend to judge our day based on results and outcomes; these are the events and people we encountered or interacted during our day, both positive and negative.
We decide that positive outcomes make a good day, while adverse outcomes make a terrible day. However, these events and occurrences don’t determine a good or bad day, you do. In contrast, the events of the day that result in positive and negative outcomes, our designed for our good, not bad.
Today is Created for You

We all know that God created the World in six days, and on the seventh day, He rested from His work. However, God has not stopped creating, and Genesis was just the beginning (Pun intended). The Bible tells us that “this is the day that the Lord has made” (Psalms 118:24 ), and based on this verse, we can conclude that though God created the World in six days, He’s still creating each day for you.
The Bible also tells us that God is Holy, God is Love, and God is Good. These are not His attributes, but his nature. It’s who He is, and everything that flows from Him flows from His Nature. Therefore, every day is a reflection of who He is. See my article on “The Greatest Story Every Told: A Valentine from God.”
No Such Thing as a Bad Day
Therefore, every day that you and I had experienced and will experience are created in love and is an expression of His holiness. Therefore, there is no such thing as a bad day, because nothing bad flows from God, only good, and to say you are having a bad day, is a reflection on you and not God. God does not have bad days, and neither should you.
Nothing Goes to Plan

When we claim we are having a bad day, we are virtually stating that the day is not going according to our expectations or how we planned or intended. The truth of the matter is that nothing truly goes to plan; there are always deviations and unexpected incidents or events in everyday life. Many of these deviations are so small that we tend to ignore them or not notice them at all. However, it’s the big ones that get our attention and trigger a response or reaction that influences our decisions.
Today According to Your Values

Every one of us lives according to our values. Values are the fundamental beliefs that guide and motivate our attitudes and actions. And if you haven’t already done so, learn to define your values. There are so many people living life by default, not clearly understanding what their values are and how they drive who you are and how you respond to everyday life.
However, defining values is one thing, and living them is another. Knowing and living by our values is key to enjoying life because it is our values, environment, and the opinion of others by which we judge ourselves and others.
Don’t Let Others Control Your Day
Don’t let others control your day, it’s your day, not theirs, the second you allow someone to get under your skin, you have given them control over you. The Bible gives clear direction on how to handle this, it tells us in proverbs 15:1 that a soft and gentle and thoughtful answer turns away anger, but harsh and painful and careless word stir up hatred.
Learn to always respond to people in kindness regardless of the situation. Taking this approach allows you to control the situation, and not the situation control you. I have used this principle many times to change the situation in my favor.
Your Day into Perspective
We all plan to wake up in the morning, and most of us plan to have something to eat. However, few of us intentionally plan to have a bad day. Every day each of us wakes up with breath in our lungs and life to live another day.

However, it is unfortunate that today, about 104 American’s will not experience another day. Because 38,000 people in the US die annually from sleep apnea alone, and according to the United Nations World Population Prospects reports, 7,452 people will die today in the US (that’s approximately every 12 seconds), and these individuals will no longer experience another day.
If the above doesn’t put things into perspective, on a global scale, this number is a staggering 150,000 a day. It is estimated that every 1.8 seconds someone dies, that means every day we are seconds from death. Knowing this fact helps put our day in the light that each day is precious (see my article on today is the day of success that highlights this statement).
Make Adjustments Daily
So how do will deal with days when things don’t go as expected or as planned? Well, it’s simple; we adjust and apply alternatives that will bring about a positive result; now, this positive result may not always be in your favor but in favor of others.

God has given you the gift of another day that He has created for you. People often ask me, “Why I’m always smiling? My typical answer is that I make it a priority to enjoy each day. I look for creative ways to create my day to impact my life and the life of others.
Life is designed for you, not against you. When something doesn’t go your way, please don’t complain about it, because that’s not going to change anything but your attitude, instead find alternatives and make a decision to enjoy life in whatever state you are. If you change your mind, you change your state.

God designed the day for you, therefore live your best self in every moment. Every day is a new adventure. It is your day to make a difference in your life and the lives of others. And nothing is worth doing, if it does not make you happy or better, therefore use your day to live, learned, and inspire to make a difference. Because people are not waiting for you, instead, they are waiting for what you can give. And that’s living your best self in every moment of every day.